For undergraduate or Master's students at UW:
We encourage all undergrads and BS/MS students interested in doing research with our group to start by taking our undergrad and grad quantum classes (CSE434 and CSE534). This is a good way to get a sense of whether quantum computation is interesting to you. Generally, the prerequisite to be considered for joining a research project in our group is to have done very well in our grad quantum class (CSE534) or very very well in our undergrad quantum class (CSE434). Read more about courses here.
For undergraduate students outside of UW:
We encourage you to apply to our REU program Quantum@UW, and mention your interests in working with the faculty of this group. Competitive applicants typically would have done very well in at least one undergraduate quantum computing class (or have equivalent experience), or otherwise have an unusually strong math or TCS background.
For prospective PhD students:
Apply to the Allen School (CSE) Ph.D. program, and make sure to mention your interest in working with the faculty of this group. We also encourage you to email us and tell us about problems you have been working on or are excited about!
Click here for information on application fee waivers. If you are applying to a different department or making a transfer application, email us and we can figure out the appropriate application process for you.
Click here for information on application fee waivers. If you are applying to a different department or making a transfer application, email us and we can figure out the appropriate application process for you.
For prospective postdoctoral researchers:
We are currently not recruiting for postdoctoral researchers. We may re-adverise the position in Fall of 2025.
The Quantum Group will consider open position for postdoctoral researchers to join us in the Paul G. Allen School of Computer Science and Engineering. Research areas of interest include quantum information and computer science, cryptography, and complexity theory. Although there is no formal deadline to apply, we are hoping for a start in Fall 2025 (or earlier), and we plan to fill the position by March 2025.
The position is for two years. Applicants should have a strong background of research in their area of interest. To apply please email both and with a curriculum vitae (CV), 3-5 page research statement, and a cover letter listing 3 references.
Postdoctoral scholars are represented by UAW 4121 and are subject to the collective bargaining agreement, unless agreed exclusion criteria apply. For more information, please visit the University of Washington Labor Relations website.